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Dear friendly people of Turkmenistan!!!, Greetings! Kumusta ? (How are you? in Filipino) Im Ralph A. Ordiz, of Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines. Im 23 years old, Im an elementary teacher. I found your e-mail as I search Turkmenistan on Google. Ive always been looking for a contact in Turkmenistan. I write you this e-mail because I have something to request, I dont know if Im doing this right but Im just hoping you could help me. Im a stamp collector, a philatelist. Im not going to ask you to give or send me some stamps but I have this little favor to asked, I would like to ask you to send me an envelope with my Name and Address written on it and then have it affix with nice Turkmenistan stamps. (At least 3, the more would be great, one stamp will do) there’s no need to put anything inside on the envelope. I think this will not cost you much. Please!!! I will ought it big. You can request your staff to do this for me. Please! this will help me a lot! Please! It will help also a lot in my teaching profession, I can show it to my class that there is a beautiful country known as Turkmenistan. Im also teaching Geography, not many people know about Turkmenistan. So, please! I have to beg you! Can you please mail me an envelope address to me affix with Turkmenistan stamps. I collect them. I don’t have something from Turkmenistan. Through it, I can promote your tourism of Turkmenistan. Stamps are the smallest ambassador of a country. Right ? I wish to visit your country in my life someday. Please! Please! Hope to hear you soon. Thank you! Regards, Ralph My address: Ralph A. Ordiz 420 R. Kangleon Street, Abgao, Maasin City Southern Leyte ZIP Code: 6600 PHILIPPINES

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Ralph Ordiz, Philippines | homepage
I am very interested in Turkmenistan with history, culture, religion, and business studies. I found the homepage to be very informative with many pictures. I am looking to meet more people who are also interested in Turkmenistan concerning business and willing to learn about the foreign policy, and culture.

Andrew Drazdik Jr, United States | homepage
I am an American and have to say that the vast majority of us do not care about minor grammatical errors made by people who have learned English as a second language. I would suggest that you ignore those viewers who have criticized your efforts, as I think your site looks quite nice.

Hi all, I just discovered this site and truely touched. I think all of the comments re English are nonesence, especially, knowing this was built by one of us. dont we all make mistakes... I think we should be thankful that these pics are available. Only one request, why not somehow to inform all turkmens about such events. may be we can get together......... or lets have some party........

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Hemra umuman websahypasy ucin oran uly ish bitiripsin. Suratlaryn oran gowy, professinal bolmaly sen bu gidis bilen.

Ekonomist | homepage
oglanlar!!! edyan isleriniz gaty onat!! yone taze suratlar goymaga yatdan cikarman da... garasyas...

New Photo (Turkmentel7 132)

New Photo (Turkmentel7 132)

Berekella oglanlar edyan ishleriniz uchin!

philadelphiadan dovran, United States
hi there, i really appreciate what u guys are doing! but, will u kindly correct that mistake at the index page! That not the President\'s Palace! but its Rukhiyet Palace! and plz note that the Prezident of Turkmensitan has no palace, but there is a Presidential Palace! thanxz! all the best

Was corrected. Thank you.

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jeyhun, Turkmenistan